| 1. | This editor needs to be banned or prevented from damaging articles.
| 2. | Moreover, the sock account is going around damaging articles.
| 3. | Is there anything I can do to help correct this damaged article?
| 4. | I respectfully request administrative intervention to prevent the IP from damaging articles further.
| 5. | This IP is seriously damaging articles, by adding random player's name.
| 6. | Blanket reversions that damage articles are never appropriate, regardless of actual vandalism or not.
| 7. | Doesn't there actually have to be PUFF and SLANT and someone who damages articles?
| 8. | I think we have an obligation to stop behavior that damages articles and scares off good contributors.
| 9. | Not only does this damage articles, it has a profoundly discouraging effect on real scholars attempting to edit.
| 10. | Although this was caught and repaired quickly, the servers may not yet have repaired all the damaged articles.